Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A common denominator among college students, staying in shape during these four (possibly five) years can be a difficult task. Thankfully, the running path on the north side of campus, just above the library, is the perfect setting to try and lose those freshman fifteen. The path, over a mile long, weaves in and out of groves of trees and is a real oasis within the Trinity University Campus. The past few days, I have found that the best way to start my day is with a short jog on the running path. Not only does it get exercising out of the way while it is still cool out, but it also allows a person to ponder the different things going on in ones life. Running on the path allows me to stay in shape as well as centering me before a busy day. In fact, I would argue that going to the running path in the morning is more beneficial for its therapeutic properties then its physical. Ultimately, running in the morning has become a part of my daily routine and is something that I would recommend to anyone not only to stay in shape but also just to clear one's head. Check it out.

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